Electoral district No. 1
Tallinna Haabersti, Põhja-Tallinna ja Kristiine linnaosa
Electoral district No. 2
Tallinna Kesklinna, Lasnamäe ja Pirita linnaosa
Electoral district No. 3
Tallinna Mustamäe ja Nõmme linnaosa
Electoral district No. 4
Harju- ja Raplamaa
Electoral district No. 5
Hiiu-, Lääne- ja Saaremaa
Electoral district No. 6
Electoral district No. 7
Electoral district No. 8
Järva- ja Viljandimaa
Electoral district No. 9
Jõgeva- ja Tartumaa
Electoral district No. 10
Tartu linn
Electoral district No. 11
Võru-, Valga- ja Põlvamaa
Electoral district No. 12
Data as of 2019-03-08 15:59
Party or independent candidate |
Votes |
Percentage of votes |
Eesti Keskerakond |
26335 |
37.6% |
Eesti Reformierakond |
18400 |
26.3% |
Eesti Konservatiivne Rahvaerakond |
7110 |
10.2% |
Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond |
5896 |
8.4% |
Isamaa Erakond |
5416 |
7.7% |
Erakond Eesti 200 |
3761 |
5.4% |
Erakond Eestimaa Rohelised |
1471 |
2.1% |
Elurikkuse Erakond |
682 |
1.0% |
Eesti Vabaerakond |
451 |
0.6% |
191 |
0.3% |
Eestimaa Ühendatud Vasakpartei |
113 |
0.2% |
75 |
0.1% |
39 |
0.1% |
24 |
0.0% |
Votes |
26335 |
Percentage of votes |
37.6% |
Votes |
18400 |
Percentage of votes |
26.3% |
Votes |
7110 |
Percentage of votes |
10.2% |
Votes |
5896 |
Percentage of votes |
8.4% |
Votes |
5416 |
Percentage of votes |
7.7% |
Votes |
3761 |
Percentage of votes |
5.4% |
Votes |
1471 |
Percentage of votes |
2.1% |
Votes |
682 |
Percentage of votes |
1.0% |
Votes |
451 |
Percentage of votes |
0.6% |
Votes |
191 |
Percentage of votes |
0.3% |
Votes |
113 |
Percentage of votes |
0.2% |
Votes |
75 |
Percentage of votes |
0.1% |
Votes |
39 |
Percentage of votes |
0.1% |
Votes |
24 |
Percentage of votes |
0.0% |
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